How do you prepare a Vedic astrology chart?
A Vedic astrology Natal chart is an astrological picture that is used to evaluate your future and predicts about your future. The chart is also called as the birth chart or horoscope or kundali. You kundali is prepared by taking into account a few parameters such as birth date, place of birth, state of the planets in the house, type of zodiac sign in your kundali for giving out the predictions.
How do you determine the character of a person using the chart?
You can determine the character of yourself with the help of the Vedic astrology chart. The chart determines your psychological traits, insights of your character, predict your destiny or fortune. The chart reveals your sun sign which describes the general characteristics of your personality. The rising sign or ascendant sign that describes the superficial character of yours. Your moon sign explains your core character.
Importance of Vedic astrology chart:
The traditional astrology defines the Vedic astrology chart as a key to the past, present, future and is evaluated to know the physical traits, emotional, mental and spiritual predilections, your strengths and weakness, hobbies and many more. Some of the important points that have to be noted in a Vedic astrology chart.
- The predictions regarding your marriage is done using this kundali. The kundali is used for marriage matching purposes by matching the horoscopes of the bride and the groom. According to Hindu traditions, no marriage will take place without matching kundali and gunas.
- You kundali maps the challenges, obstacles and opportunities. It reveals what kind of challenges are waiting in your life and how to tell with darkest times of your life.
- You can analyze the kundali to predict the professional life, ventures, business, finances, wealth and investment. How well? Your circumstances help you in taking economic decisions.
- Your career choices can be determined with the help of this chart. This helps you to identify the job that suits your efforts and intellect.
- Your academic life, diseases, creativity, enemies and children’s can be determined using this spiritual chart.
How to read a Vedic astrology chart?
There are only three major steps that are needed to be followed to under your Vedic astrology chart.
- Determine your Rising Sign or Ascendant: There is a separate rising sign or ascendant sign for each of the zodiac sign. The planets in your Vedic astrological chart are numbered from one to twelve using numerals and the houses are numbered by Roman Numerals.
- Learning the houses and their Significance: A Vedic astrological chart has twelve houses which signify several important aspects of life. Any planet or sign positioned in a house influence their factors and offers results accordingly.
- Determine the nine planets in the Vedic astrology chart: The nine planets position in your kundali play an important role in predicting your life. It is essential to understand the nature and the characteristic of each planet in your house. The planets are Sun, moon, mercury, mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, rahu and kedu.
Also Check: Importance Of Sun In Vedic Astrology