How to calculate the personality number in Numerology?

personality number in numerology

Personality Number in Numerology

Numerology is similar to astrology, which is used to predict your personality traits, destiny, and events by using numbers. Today, many people are trusting in numerology predictions because that is proved their predictions in many people’s life. This is why numerology is more popular among people.

With your birth name, it is possible to predict your personality. Are you looking to know about your personality? Then numerology is the right choice for knowing about your personality. If you don’t know how to calculate personality numbers in numerology then continue reading it.

Calculating personality numbers


In numerology, each letter in your name is assigned a single-digit number by using your chart. If you don’t have the chart then no issues you can able to solve the numbers by counting the position of the letters in the alphabet and using your fingers for this is essential. Consonants of your full name allow you to calculate your personality number in numerology.

For instance, if your name starts with M, then you need to find the number which is assigned for the letter. If the numbers are 13 and you need to calculate like below

1+3 = 4

1. Assign a number to each Consonant in your full birth name from the chart. You have to assign this separately for each name includes first name, middle name (if you have), and last name (surname)

Add the numbers of each name separately, and reduce them down until you have a single-digit value

For example 

8 + 5 = 14; 1+4 = 5
5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 18; 1+8 = 9
3 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 18; 1+8 = 9

2. Add each name’s results of together and reduce again until you have a single-digit value to get your Personality Number.

Personality Number
5 + 9 + 9 = 23
2+3 = 5
But if you get a master number like 11, 22, 33 then you don’t want to be reduced it again.

What personality numbers define?

Personality number 1

If personality number is 1 they would be determined, strong-willed, in control, and capable of achieving whatever they assume their mind to. They will be having ambitious and dynamic energy.

Personality number 2 

Personality number 2 indicates friendly, trustworthy, reliable, warm, and unpretentious. The person would be a more open and approachable type. 

Personality number 3

The people who have personality number 3 would be creative and charming individuals. They are likely to perceive as witty, extroverted, and optimistic. 

Personality number 4 

Personality number 4 is come up with reliable, stable, consistent, organized, and efficient by others.

Personality number 5

Personality number 5 tends to appear, more adventurous, passionate, stimulating, and witty. 

Personality number 6

Personality number 6 is carry over the behavior of warm, compassionate, caring, self-sacrificing, and helping mind.

 Personality number 7

Personality number 4 is come up with more secretive, even mysterious, and different from others. 

Personality number 8

The person who has personality number 8, then they would be strong, ambitious, competent, and confident.

Personality number 9

Personality number 9 gives off a charismatic and somewhat aristocratic appearance.

Therefore, make use of the numerology and calculate your numbers and know about your personality. 

Also Check: Everything you need to know about relocation astrology

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