Sumukh Astro astrological calculations are based on scientific equations and not on any specific published almanac. Although broadly based on Indian Predictive Astrology / Numerology, the reports generated should be considered as an independent work of Sumukh Astro and the predictive texts shall be considered purely as an opinion based on the principles of Astrology. Sumukh Astro shall not entertain any dispute on differences arising out of such comparisons. However, Sumukh Astro shall reply to any customer complaints or feedback within a reasonable time period and clarify any point based on the prediction made by Sumukh Astro.
Customers are advised to download and review sample reports published before making a decision. Sumukh Astro does not entertain any refunds. While Sumukh Astro shall try to ensure that each report is prepared meticulously and with the utmost care, Sumukh Astro does not rule out the possibility of any unexpected errors. In case of any such errors, Sumukh Astro’s liability is limited to the extent of replacing the report with a rectified one.